ChainGPT is an open-source platform that allows developers to build AI-enhanced DApps

5 min readMar 3, 2023

ChainGPT is an open-source platform that allows developers to build AI-enhanced DApps and smart contracts using the Solidity programming language. The platform is powered by blockchain technology, providing security, transparency, and immutability to its users. ChainGPT offers a wide range of AI models that developers can leverage to build and enhance their DApps and smart contracts. The platform incentivizes developers to share their AI models and solutions by rewarding them with financial incentives, recognition, and access to cutting-edge technologies and resources.

AI-ENABLED Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are self-executing computer programs that automate the enforcement, management, and execution of agreements. ChainGPT provides a platform for developers to create smart contracts with enhanced AI capabilities. By incorporating AI models into smart contracts, they can process and analyze data, make decisions, and trigger events based on the results of the AI models. This opens up a world of new possibilities for developers. For example, AI-enabled smart contracts can be used to automate complex financial instruments, manage supply chain processes, or implement predictive maintenance solutions.

Staking and framing

ChainGPT Staking & Farming: An Overview
The ChainGPT environment offers various marking and cultivating choices for $CGPT token holders, mostly used to get to the man-made intelligence model and cultivating to acquire awards in $CGPT tokens.

Staking: What It Is and How It Works

Staking is a system that permits token holders to procure rewards or certain advantages inside an environment by securing their tokens and adding to the security and strength of the organization. On account of ChainGPT, marking empowers token holders to get to the man-made intelligence model and get need admittance to its administrations. To partake in marking, a symbolic holder should secure a specific number of $CGPT tokens for a set period. This period can shift contingent upon the particular marking program. During this time, the tokens are not accessible for use, yet the symbolic holder partakes in each marking system’s advantages.

Farming: What It Is and How It Works

Farming is a system that permits token holders to procure prizes by giving liquidity to the environment. On account of ChainGPT, token holders can give liquidity to the $CGPT token on decentralized trades and procure prizes through $CGPT tokens. To partake in cultivating, a symbolic holder should store a specific number of $CGPT tokens into a liquidity pool on upheld trades and coordinates. This pool is then used to guarantee the security and liquidity of the token, and token holders procure awards as $CGPT tokens in view of the quantity of tokens they have kept. The prizes procured through cultivating are relative to the quantity of tokens a symbolic holder has kept, and the time they have been in the liquidity pool

Solidity and Access to AI Models

ChainGPT supports the Solidity programming language, which is widely used for creating Ethereum-based DApps and smart contracts. This makes it easy for developers to get started with the platform, as they can leverage their existing knowledge and experience with the language. In addition to the programming language, ChainGPT also provides access to a wide range of off-the-shelf AI models stored on its storage layer. These models can be used to add machine learning capabilities to smart contracts and DApps, eliminating the need for developers to build and train their own models

‍CHAINGPT advanced AI

ChainGPT likewise has progressed man-made intelligence exchanging abilities. With no-code experience required, people and organizations can rapidly make progressed exchanging bots and market examination reports utilizing ChainGPT’s man-made intelligence model. This makes it simple for people and organizations to remain on the ball and pursue informed exchanging choices.

ChainGPT likewise has many abilities with regards to gamble with the board and blockchain examination. Its high level man-made intelligence model can assist with risk the board, information examination, ID check, and that’s just the beginning. This makes it simple for people and organizations to keep their crypto and blockchain resources secure and stay away from agitators.

One more key part of ChainGPT is its Programming interface access and SDK. This permits designers and organizations to rapidly and effectively coordinate ChainGPT’s high level man-made intelligence model into their foundation and applications.


ChainGPT offers many abilities that can help the two people and organizations. From code agreements and savvy contracts improvement, to showcase examination and hazard the board, ChainGPT has many abilities that can assist people and organizations with boosting their outcome in the crypto and blockchain space.

A most great aspect regarding ChainGPT is its capacity to create custom savvy contracts and decentralized applications (DAPPS) with next to zero coding experience required. By just depicting what you want, ChainGPT’s man-made intelligence model can rapidly make various custom savvy contracts, DAPPS, and other crypto and blockchain-related coding. This makes it unimaginably simple for people and organizations to make their own savvy contracts and DAPPS without needing a group of designers close by.

THE Benefits of Decentralizing AI Research

By decentralizing AI research, ChainGPT can help organizations to reduce their dependency on centralized intermediaries, which can often be slow and bureaucratic. Instead, organizations can access AI models and solutions directly from the researchers and developers who created them, ensuring that they are always up-to-date and of the highest quality.

ChainGPT’s open-source ecosystem incentivizes AI researchers and developers to share their models and solutions, ensuring that the platform is always up-to-date with the latest AI technologies. This can help organizations to stay ahead of the curve, enabling them to gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.


CGPT is the utility token behind the ChainGPT ecosystem. It is ultimately how individuals and businesses access the AI model, ChainGPT, and API. This token is utilized to get to the man-made intelligence model and its different abilities. People can either pay per demand (brief) in $CGPT tokens, or stake more than $10,000 worth of $CGPT and get limitless admittance to the ChainGPT man-made intelligence. For organizations, they should stake a spendable sum in $CGPT tokens that will be enjoyed with every man-made intelligence demand from the client side. The more $CGPT tokens are marked, the more admittance to the man-made intelligence model is allowed.


The platform’s support for decentralizing AI research and development, combined with its ability to create AI-enabled smart contracts and DApps, makes it a valuable tool for developers looking to build innovative solutions that can adapt to real-world use cases. With the platform’s support for Solidity and access to off-the-shelf AI models, developers can easily get started with the platform


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